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Sunday, March 7, 2010

What a breakfast !!!!!!!

this place cracks me up,

I was just putting milk on my cheerios about 0745 and a group of 10 of us or so were just sitting down. Father Marc walks in and tells me that the little boy with " the rectal prolapse" was here. for those of you who are not familiar with the geek talk, I recommend you google it.

Anyway here comes this little dude , walks up to me and holds out his hands like he wants me to pick him up. I won't bore you with the details of the procedure. Suffice to say after about 4 minutes of "trying to turn his butt outside in" he was not a happy camper and my cheerios were soggy. He screamed like I was pulling his fingernails out but after I got done he managed a wimpy high five. We don't have anything in the way of pediatric sedation meds here so I gave him a hit of whiskey and a bullet to bite on. OK I am kidding about the bullet and I had the whiskey.

Went to church and asked Marc to pray that I never see this kid again for the next two weeks. Mass was good, lots of French hymns and drumming (rockin' out)'

This afternoon the owner of the MV Sea Hunter came out to Espwa. He had some great stories about his "HUMANITARIAN TRIP" from MAINE.He planned for a 2 week trip and it has been over a month and he is still in Ayiti.

Today was cool. The people tried to rush the big boat in small boats and board it. CHAOS.
The captain pulled out his pistol and fires 3-4 shots into the air and starts to cut their lines. Then the U.N. peace keepers showed up and things settled down. They have lots of firepower. Hollywood couldn't write a better script!!!!!

They finally got off all the cargo in the 10 trailers as well as the empty trailers. This was the end of Espwa stuff. The cargo holds will be emptied tomorrow for the local folks. Could be bad. Hope no one gets shot. I am not letting my cheerios get soggy a second time !!!!!!!

that's it, see you later....same time, same station.......j.

1 comment:

  1. There was an article in today's paper talking about all the prisoners in PAP that were let loose either during or after the quake. Some simply escaped when their buildings fell down. Apparently, there are some real meanies out there. They haven't been rounded up yet; where would they put them? They don't even have enough tents for the homeless.
    Take care,
