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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hey hey it's me!!!

Just when you think you have heard alot of stories more keep coming down the pipe. One little dude about 4 is here because his mom locked the whole family in the house and tried to burn it down. now I know that worse things than that happen all over the world but not in the numbers I see here. If folks think Haiti will have lots of emotio0nal turmoil after the EQ, They had lots,lots before.

The first babe I saw today was 2 yo and weighed 15 pounds (about the size of a nice 6 month old at home)or a chicken halibut. Had vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal distention and no appetite. I thought pretty straight forward case of worms except for the poor weight gain. also had red Hair. Back home red hair no big deal in a white kid or an Aleut but in Haiti red hair implies poor nutrition if not downright malnutrition. Black children by and large have black hair. Then his caretaker (aunt) relates the bio-mom is in Port au Prince, is very very sick and most probably was a prostitute.

So the possibility of HIV in this babe looms large. No lab stuff for HIV test I was told, but tonight some docs are coming down bringing many vaccinations and about 100 HIV tests. Hope the kid comes back tomorrow, but really may be a mute point because trying to care for a babe with this disease here would be tooooo expensive (meds & lab tests)

If you are at all inclined to write your congressmen & congresswomen about this issue-please do. and tell them jerry sent you.

I am frequently reminded of that insane t-shirt that says
................" LIFE SUCKS and THEN YOU DIE"

I have felt good all day and my appetite is back.

Looking forward to tomorrow . Going out to a different village and community to see what we can find....bye now....... j


  1. Hi Jerry,
    Glad you are feeling better! Being sick is no fun! Not much going on here; it started snowing this afternoon. This has been the longest winter of my life. I think because it started snowing in October...
    Take care,

  2. Hi Dad,
    It's my mid-week, up early. Nothing much new here. Just wanted to repeat what I've said before~ LOVE THE BLOG! It's what I do first every morning- check on you!! haha (That's kinda funny, don'ch think?) I hope the different village is a good visit. I bet you'll be busy!
    Sending lotsa love your way!!

  3. Ah, finally, we are done hearing about your innards. You are sick and wrong! We are all reading avidly, though, aren't we?

  4. hey you can't complain, at least you still get paid to breathe.
