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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday Night

Hi Kids,

Internet acting up all day so this will be short and sweet or it may get lost!!!!

!7 yo young man walks into clinic with his older brother and sister this AM.They said he is too skinny and eats like a horse, drinks a lot and pees multiple times through the night. He is indeed very thin with an otherwise normal exam. His blood sugar by quick machine in clinic is "too high" to read and his urine has 4+ sugar.
Having Type 1 diabetes is bad enough but to have it diagnosed in Haiti at this time seems somewhat cruel. Had to send him in to town for evaluation , stabilization, and chronic care. the family has no money. they are from the local community not the orphanage. Will be interesting to see how he does-have some good thoughts.

The saga of the boat with donated supplies continues with the latest news that President Preval has directed the ship to land and offload some of the cargo. Stay tuned for the next episode......

I am is good...and Haiti has many beautiful children as well as an over abundance of strange adults..... bye..... jerry


  1. Gosh, Jerry, I hope you get your supplies off that ship soon. That must be so frustrating. So near, yet so far. I hope you don't get too stressed out; I can only imagine how hard it is to be calm. I saw Lilah yesterday at her house. She was bouncing off the walls with 12 new kittens. We must have run up and down the stairs 10 times to look at them. They are in the basement in that storage room just past the bottom of the stairs. I did get her too chill a little when we laid on the sofa in the living room and told each other stories. Mine were longer...
    Thinking of you and hoping you are okay,

  2. So....does the "lots of strange adults" include you?!
    Enjoying hearing what's going on, though I have to say it's disheartening. I heard on the news that another ship of troops is also planning to leave soon, leaving people wondering about security issues. You're a bright spot though so shine away!! Stay well.
