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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday AM b4 MASS

Wow, mass starts in a half hour. I'll pray the rains stay away. Finally quit yesterday afternoon. four feet of water in downtown. buildings flooded. Tent city under water for those from PaP who were displaced to here.

Couple of young folks on a scooter who tried to go over a bridge that was underwater swept away when they got to the opposite side and about 10 feet of raging water. i have no idea about other parts of Haiti but there was a lot of rain here. The Good Lord certainly has a sense of humor, I guess????

Never made it to town last pm for dinner because roads around here all flooded.

This am--no rain, a little sunshine and I am washing my undies and hanging them out to dry just like my mama used to do

That's Haiti....type later if internet stays on . It went out for about 12 hours yesterday and overnight.........bye.....nase

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jerry,

    You must think sometimes that you don't know where to start! I can't even imagine how overwhelming it must be for all of you. I guess all you can do is take care of one kidlet at a time. And, now we have people trapped in buildings in Chile! Did you ask God this morning if he/she was mad at the world? I sure hope not.

    Things are pretty normal here. I am going to try and go out and see Lilah, etal. this afternoon. Haven't seen them since Valentine Day.

    Take care, and don't forget we all love you,
