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Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Night in Haiti

Well it is the end of my first week here in Haiti at ESPWA.
Fairly routine work week, so far. we didn't get hit with as much diarrhea as I originally thought we would.So far it seems as tho the Southern district where I am has been somewhat spared from this scourge. lots of a viral syndrome illness going through getting more adults than children.
I really think there are more older adults down here that seem more depressed than in past visits. Could be a culmination of earthquakes , tornadoes and general bad crap happening that is resulting in some PTSD symptoms. also could be due to the fact that I am seeing more adults than I usually do.

Several visitors through here lately that are big donors to this project as far as food goes. We are NICE to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow is Saturday and International Day of the child, so they are going to have a little party for the kids after some speeches and the treat is corn-based ice cream (Ben & Jerry's- I think not).
Anyway as usual we are running out of some important medicines that are used regularly. I write a prescrition for the patient to buy it in town but who knows if they ever fill the prescription ( no cash)
Will check in later and give you feedback on the ice cream....jery

1 comment:

  1. I read parts to Lilah and she said, "YUM, can we go for some corn ice cream?"

    We miss and love you!!!
