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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Getting away for a short R & R

Hi folks,

Writing this from a desk top pc with a fast modem.

This week is Ancestors week here in Cambodia. Seems like much of the country takes the week off and goes to their home in the countryside to be with parents and take food to the monks in the Buddhist Temples around the country. This country is 90-95 % Buddhist with the rest being Hinduism, animism and christians.
It is a lot like Chinese New Year when that entire country goes on holiday in February every year.

So I decided to get on a bus and travel around Cambodia. Took a 11 hour drive yesterday to the Southwest coast area- a town called Sihanoukville. It is a beach -like rsort area that mostly tourists visit-not Cambodians.
I am staying in a fancy 4 star hotel for $100.00 A NIGHT-ABOUT the same as a night in Miami at the Red Roof INN when I go to Haiti and St.Lucia. The town appears to be foreign tourists mainly from all over Cambodia, Southeast Asia and parts unknown.

Lots of bars and restaurants.
Sorry about my inability to send pictures sometimes and all you get are Headings. Usually the internet or the WiFi in Siem Reap go crazy and then I follow.No pictures here because they are all on my laptop.
I sat down the other night and wrote a rant on my Microsoft Word offline page. If anyone knows how to transfer that to this website or my hotmail account please let me know here or at I would really apptreciate it so I don't have to type it all over again. It is Sunday morning here at about 10:30 am and I am going to check out the beach and probably head into town to see what is going on there.
I will probably stay her for Sunday and Monday night and then head back to Siem reap by bus on Tuesday. NO clinic this week. next week will be my last lake trip and then head for home on the 15th of October. This has been a great trip so far and I am certainly been very lucky to meet so many nice people here(mainly the staff at The Lake Clinic.
I would definitely return here if my old bones will carry me.
Will attempt some more pics later in the week either on this blog or Hotmail account

1 comment:

  1. Hey, $100 hotel room at a 5 star hotel and probably not much chance of falling into a lake when you head for the bathroom in the middle of the night. Glad you've had a chance for a change of pace! I'd guess you've found your earlier travels more interesting though. Oct 15 is just around the corner!!
