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Saturday, March 13, 2010

saturdaY evening

Well how about that. Had a hard time with the internet and/or electricity supply all day today. Pretty quiet Saturday. Did laundry this AM and hung it out to dry. Very humid today so t-shirts still wet after the sun went down. Took a walk over to the warehouse where they are storing all the stuff that was offloaded from the boat last weekend. Most of the food and med stuff has been moved out. Today lots of clothes moved out. many got soaked with sea water from the boat trip and smell a little ripe. They will need to be washed before given out. Local folks acted kind of crazy today.

In Haiti, there is not a good concept for yours and mine. Lots of theft goes on but it is called "borrowing" .

So the folks here think nothing of taking something off the truck and giving it to others on the ground. I could understand if it were food and they were hungry...
Here if it is band aids and they can't use them they throw them on the ground. Lots & lots of waste by kids and adults this past week. Cans of Chef Boy R Dee spaghetti & raviolie are popped open , tasted and thrown on the ground if the person doesn't like them. So that is one of the ugly faces of humanitarian aide. Adults do this so that is what the kids see and do.

I am sure I give mixed messages about this place but sometimes it is confusing. I ask Father Marc how he does it and don't get any real good answers from him either. I guess we all must figure out our own coping mechanisms.

I will begin my coping with going to bed.... g'nite.... jerry

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Jer,

    Seems like '69 again only I'm in Bathhurst, The Gambia and my friends are "borrowing" anything they see in my flat. It took awhile to get with the program and "borrow back" at their homes. Also, we had an open drainage canal running down every street so the 'tosses' went into the canal, most times. Alas, it doesn't seem to have changed very much. Kwaheri, Marilee
