A funny thing from Thursday at Charlote.
We saw lots of kids with scabies . we had only a limited amount of meds to treat them.
So in another room the guys who were working the meds were there lathering up all the babes with Benzyl Benzoate lotion. This is old treatment for scabies and not sold in USA any longer. We had run out of Elimite that we had brought from US.
So we stripped down the babes , lathered them up and made them all cry. Most of the moms had same problem so we gave them a bottle for about 4 of them to share at home. some of the families had 10 people at home -all scratching.
A nice invention for 3rd world countries would be some variation of a 55 gallon drum filled with the medicine so you could just dip the kids in it for treatment-sort of like a sheep dip on American farms.
Hey maybe we could have the Defense Dept develop this instead of one of those $25 billion dollar fighter, killer jets...ooops , there I go again..type later....j
So funny image comes to mind thinking of sheep dip given my Montana background. Maybe with your chemistry and pharmacy background you can develop just such a 55 gal drum of scabies dip. You'd go down in history for making babies cry and families stop itching, though perhaps families that itch together stay together! Take care not to get the itches yourself!! Sunny and cold in Anchorage-a change from a trip to Seattle and Oregon over spring break-but more beautiful.