Visted 2 diff lake villages this tues though travel time about one full day.Just nurse, midife, and me this time. saw about 95 kids in 3 home Thursday afternoon....really needed shower....Saw so many beautiful kids who unfortunatley will never get much of a chance in life. this world absolutely revolves around FISH and water. Had a storm wed nite. The house we slept in broke away from one of its rope moorings and we kind of floated around in the lake tied to one tree..Lots of excitement in total darkness.
Enclosed a pic of the local chief and. He likes to drink" Rice water" aka rice wine brewed locally. This trip I bruoght a bottle of Australian Shiraz which we shared making us friends forever Ain't life grand........nase
Drifting away reminds me of the scene in the Parent Trap when the twin girls send their to be new step mother off onto the lake on her air mattress! At least you didn't step out the door and end up in the lake again!! They're going to make you a fish yet!!! Take care in the dark on the lake!